
Childhood + culture = socialization

Disposition, categorisation, reconfiguration

International Symposium


Program of the symposium Childhood + culture = socialization



What's new in the cultural socialization of children? The 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is marked by the multiplication of research interests concerning children, who have become subjects, autonomous, educated and even transmitters, but also consumers, users and practitioners. Therefore the conference intends to reexamine the categories of childhood and of cultural objects as well as the mediation between the two, whether family, commercial or institutional oriented. The social reconsideration of childhood has been accompanied by a redefinition of the forms taken by cultural socialization and the role of each of its agents. How to shed light on the many changes occurring in the paths of cultural socialization: vertical and horizontal, strong/weak family and friendship ties, digital socialization, retro-socialization of parents by children, etc.? What are the cognitive and emotional dispositions solicited by the cultural objects consumed by children (which are not limited to objects and content specifically intended for them)? And how do these objects contribute to cultural socialization? These are some of the questions that will be central to the symposium, which will articulate plenary sessions, scientific and professional workshops (more than 30 speakers expected).


The program is organized around three themes:

Theme #1: Studying Young Children: Towards a Sociology of Development?

Theme #2: Reproduction of Cultural Inequalities: International Perspectives

Theme #3: Socialization and ICT:  Re-enchanting the World of Culture


Each theme combines plenary sessions, scientific workshop sessions (S) and professional workshops (P). Plenary lectures are delivered either in French or in English and are translated into the other language, whether scientific workshop sessions and professional workshops will be held in French or English.



The conference is co-organized by the Department of Studies, Foresight and Statistics (Ministry of Culture), the CIRCEFT-ESCOL research team (University of Paris 8) and the Centre Georges Pompidou.

Symposium dates:

Due to COVID 19 pandemic, the symposium will be held on-line, between January 8 and 19, 2021 (see program).



Registration is required for the scientific workshop sessions (S) and professional workshops (P), on the dedicated website:

50 participants max.




Plenary sessions


Friday, January 8


Theme #1: Studying Young Children: Towards a Sociology of Development? 

  • · Bertrand Geay, Professor of Political Science, University of Picardie Jules-Vernes, France.

“Language skills and tastes of young children: some questions about early habitus”.


Theme #2: Reproduction of Cultural Inequalities: International Perspectives?

  • · Modesto Gayo-Cal, Associate Professor of Sociology, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile.

“Cultural capital and socialization in a comparative context”.

  • · Annick Prieur, Professor of Sociology, University of Aalborg, Denmark.

“New Nordic Cultural Capital”.


Theme #3: Socialization and ICT:  Re-enchanting the World of Culture?

  • · Inés Dussel, Professor of Educational Sciences, CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico.

“What can digital media pedagogies learn from arts education? Unpacking the ideals of creation, expression, and participation in digital times”.

  • · Dominique Pasquier, Research Director, CNRS, France.

“The cultural socialization of young people in the digital age: trompe-l'oeil openings?”.


Scientific and professional sessions subject to confirmation


Theme # 1: Studying young children: towards a sociology of development?


Monday, January 11

5-7 pm: Reflexion on Primosocialization (S)

Moderator : Régine Sirota (CERLIS, University of Paris)

  • • Victoria Chantseva (EXPERIC, University of Paris 13)

“Differentiated cultural socializations in France, Norway and Russia: the example of youth albums for ‘developing toileting skills’.”

  • • Julien Vitores (CESSP, University of Panthéon-Sorbonne, EHESS, CNRS)

“Developping children’s awerness to nature: pedagogical norms and differentiated socializing practices.”

  • • Delia Guijarro Arribas (CESSP, University of Panthéon-Sorbonne, EHESS, CNRS)

“Age classification in the children's edition: from kindergarten to babies, the development of new editorial categories.”

  • • Ning De Coninck-Smith (Departement of education, Aarhus University)

“Playground design and modern childhoods. Denmark 1970-2020.”


7-9 pm: Policy and normative frameworks regarding childhood (S)

Moderator : Jérémy Sinigaglia (SAGE – University of Strasbourg)

  • • Claire Desmitt (CIREL, University of Lille)

“From education in art to education through art: a new stage in the manufacture of the homo aestheticus?”

  • • Maciel Morales Aceiton (EDA, University of Paris)

“Art education in Chile and its institutional policies in the current education system.”

  • • Saskia Meroueh, (CENS, University of Nantes)

“The ‘little rats’ versus the ‘young actors’: the social variations of child labor and its performance in the performing art.”

  • • Isabelle Danic, Barbara Fontar and Agnès Grimault-Leprince (ESO - Espaces et Sociétés, INSPE of Brittany, University of Rennes 2)

“Cultural socialization of adolescents: the construction of cultural, artistic and digital leisure activities between public policies, living conditions and agency.”


Tuesday, January 12

5-7 pm: Artistic and Cultural Education’s Program (S)

  • • Cédric Barbier (CIRCEFT-ESCOL, University of Paris 8)

“Cinema ‘professionals’ struggling with adolescent audiovisual practices: the example of high school students and film apprentices.”

  • • Bénédicte Havard Duclos (LABERS, University of Western Brittany)
    “Mastery of a musical knowledge and refusal to achieve? Misunderstandings and differentiated appropriations of a Démos orchestra in a school environment.”
  • • Rémi Deslyper (ECP, University of Lumière Lyon 2)
    “Heterodox Appropriations in Artistic and Cultural Education: Analysis of an Educational System of theatre for Young Audiences.”
  • • Marie-Pierre Chopin (CeDS, University of Bordeaux)
    “Do artistic and cultural education projects reshuffle the maps of family socialization? Insights from a dance project with nine elementary school classes in France.”


Friday, January 15

2-3:30 pm: Cognitive Development and Cultural Health (P)

  • • Sophie Marianopoulos, psychologist and psychoanalyst specializing in child and family issues; founder of the association Les Pâtes au beurre and author of the French ministerial report Une stratégie nationale pour la Santé Culturelle (2019).
  • • Stéphanie Brillant, journalist, director and producer; director of the documentary Children's Brain - Infinite Potential (2017).


3:30-5 pm: Cultural and Artistic Programs for Toddlers (P)

  • • Sarah Mattera, director of Mille Formes, Art Initiation Center for 0-6 y.o. (Clermont-Ferrand, France).
  • • matali crasset, designer (Paris, France).



Theme #2: Reproduction of Cultural Inequalities: International Perspectives?


Thursday, January 14

5-7 pm: Cross-socialization (S)

Moderator : Muriel Darmon (CESSP, EHESS, Paris 1)

  • • Antoine Larribeau (EXPERICE, University of Paris 13)
    “The amateur engagement in computer programming: between youth culture and family socialization.”
  • • Cyriac Gousset, (LASSP -IEP of Toulouse)
    “(Un)disposing to culture? Cultural socialization in an orphanage care institution.”
  • • Clémence Perronnet (LIRFE, Western Catholic University)
    “How Scientific Literacy Comes to Children: Cross Influences of Parents, Siblings and Peers.”


7-9 pm: Cultural Appropriation in Institutional Settings (S)

Moderator : Samuel Coavoux (Orange Labs)

  • • Marie-Sylvie Claude (LITT&ARTS, University Stendhal - Grenoble 3), Cécile Richaudeau (LITT&ARTS, University Stendhal - Grenoble 3) and Patrick Rayou (CIRCEFT-ESCOL Paris 8)

“The child or the pupil? Differentiated receptions of contemporary art .”

  • • Marthe Fradet-Hannoyer (EMA, University of Cergy-Pontoise)
    “The Reading dispositions of teachers and reading dispositions of pupils: interdependent relationships.”
  • • Mathias Blanc (CNRS/University of Lille and École du Louvre)
    “Discovery of paintings in the museum and the pupils' eyes.”


Friday, January 15

5-7 pm: Reconsidering Cultural Capital (S)

Moderator : Philippe Coulangeon (OSC, Science-Po)

  • • Utsa Mukherjee (Birkbeck College, University of London)
    “Organized Leisure as Sites of Children's Ethnic and Racial Socialisation (ERS): The Case of Middle-Class British Indian Children in the Contemporary UK.”
  • • Samuel Fély (IRIS, EHESS)
    “The educational logics of cultural consumption: contribution of ethnography in families.”
  • • Holly Hargis (Pacte, Université Grenoble Alpes)
    “Talking at the age of 3.5: an analysis of linguistic socialization based on the French birth Cohort, ELFE.”
  • • Romain Brisson (Université de Neuchâtel)
    “The cultural distinction among adolescents? A genetic approach to structural homology.”


Tuesday, January 19

5-7 pm: Multiple Actors for Social, Culturel and Educational projects (P)

  • • Anne Davidian, head of Paris office, Evens Foundation (France).
  • • Pierre Perrin, former director of the Pierre Budin School, Paris (France).



Theme #3: Socialization and ICT: re-enchanting the world of culture?


Monday, January 18

5-7 pm: Family Dynamics of Digital Socialization (S)

  • • Catherine Dessinges (MARGE, University of Jean Moulin - Lyon III) and Orélie Desfriches Doria (Paragraphe / University of Paris 8)
    “Childhood and family Sociability: digital activities of children under twelve during the lockdown.”
  • • Claire Balleys (HES-SO, Geneva)
    “Parental legitimacy at the test of cultural legitimacy: the place of screens as an index of socialization.”
  • • Léonor Graser (CREM, Université de Lorraine et CERLIS, University of Paris)
    “Children facing ‘screens’: expert speeches on children's cultural dispositions and practices.”

7-9 pm: Gender and Video games (S)

  • • Barbara Fontar (CREAD, University of Rennes 2) et Mickaël Le Mentec (CAREF, UPJV)
    “Video gaming among 13-15 y.o.: gender differenciation and gender hierarchy.”
  • • Noémie Roques (EXPERICE, University of Paris 13)
    “Learning, Finding and Negotiating Your Place in a Boys' Group: The Case of Fortnite's YouTube Videos.”
  • • Jessica Benonie-Soler (LISST, University of Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès)
    “’I've always played video games’: cultural trajectories and gender events in the video game field.”


Tuesday, January 19

5-7 pm: Media socialization (S)

Moderator : Claire Balleys (HES-SO, Geneva)

  • • Sophie Duchesne and Maylis Ferry (Centre Emile Durkheim, CNRS, IEP of Bordeaux)
    “It's a small word? The contribution of children’s cultural products to ‘banal nationalism’.”
  • • Collectif Médisjeu (University of Artois, University of Paris-Sud, University of Paris-Saclay, University of Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne)
    “Soccer, soccer and more soccer? The coverage of the last six Football World Cups by the French ‘youth’ written press.”
  • • Rayén Condeza Dall'Orso (Facultad de Comunicaciones Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Departamento Comunicación Aplicada)
    “Back to school! The controversy around the Hypersexualization of girls through advertising in Chile.”









Friday, January 8




Plenary session

(Online around 8pm)


Theme #1: Studying Young Children: Towards a Sociology of Development?


Theme #2: Reproduction of Cultural Inequalities: International Perspectives ?


Theme #3: Socialization and ICT :  Re-enchanting the World of Culture?


Monday, January 11

Tuesday, January 12

Thursday, January 14

Friday, January 15

5-7 pm

Reflexion on Primosocialization (S)

5-7 pm

Artistic and Cultural Education’s Program (S) 

5-7 pm 

Cross-socialization (S)


2-3:30 pm 

Cognitive Development and Cultural Health (P)

7-9 pm

Policy and normative frameworks regarding childhood (S) 


7-9 pm

Cultural Appropriation in Institutional Settings (S)

3:30-5 pm

Cultural and Artistic Programs for Toddlers (P)




5-7 pm

Reconsidering Cultural Capital (S)

Monday, January 18

Tuesday, January 19


5-7 pm

Family Dynamics of Digital Socialization (S)

5-7 pm 

Multiple Actors for Social, Cultural and Educational projects (P)


7-9 pm

Gender and Video games (S)

7-9 pm

Media socialization (S)





Theme #1: Studying Young Children: Towards a Sociology of Development?

Theme #2: Reproduction of Cultural Inequalities: International Perspectives

Theme #3: Socialization and ICT:  Re-enchanting the World of Culture


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